Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Caregiver, Lover, Sage, Jester

When reading about my four primary archetypes I definitely felt that the first three are right on, depending on the situation.  Each of them had at least one sentence that describes exactly how I am.  As the Caregiver it says,  "in most of your relationships, you act like a caring parent who creates nurturing environments where people can heal or grow".  This is exactly true!

As the Lover, it says, "you like and live all sorts of variations on the love story".  Every time I hear a love story, either through music, movies, or books I love it.  No matter how its told, a love story will always be my favorite story.  "You would prefer always to be passionately in love with someone who returns your affections, but you alsofall in love with cherished activities, the vocation that is your calling, children, pets, beautiful surroundings, and material possessions."  This is also true, I love planning events, I love my dog, I love going to Lake Tahoe, and other beautiful places, and enjoying the scenery and everything it has to offer. 

The sage is my most prominent archetype when I am planning events or working. The best excerpt from this writing is, "as a leader, you are (or could be) excellent at dispassionate analysis, planning, evaluation, and making well planned decisions. When others are panicking, you can detach, see the big picture, or take the long view and know what to do. You have a calming influence, and under your leadership events move forward at a measured, sane pace, so that you know that the right thing is being done in the right way." 

Although the Jester was one of my top four I do not feel like that matched with anything right now in my life.  Sometimes I may have a "playful" outlook, but I feel that the Jester sounds more like people are not aware of their surroundings and don't know when it is proper to make jokes and have fun.

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