Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Archetype Am I?

When I was first reviewing the 12 PMAI Archetype's I thought that I was most likely to be Caregiver and Lover.  My initial feelings on this are because, as you can see in my blog post and some of my quotes, that I love love.  I love caring for people, figuring out their problems, loving others, and enjoying life and nature.  When looking at just the images of the archetypes I thought I related most to lover and orphan.  Lover, because of the obvious heart, but orphan because of the tear.  This shows strong emotions, which I can relate to. 

On the other side, I do not see myself as being "destroyer".  This word seems repulsive to me, but also it shows no emotion or relationship.  It is all about cutting your losses and getting on with it.  I agree that this does need to happen, but there are better ways to handle situations that how it is described here.

**It is better to have loved and lost, 
than to never have loved at all**

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