Thursday, February 10, 2011

Admirable Traits

A leader who exemplifies openness, fairness between employees, and a clear vision is very admirable.  In one of my classes we spoke about managers, or leaders, who have an “open door policy”.  This means that people can come to them about whatever they want to talk about or need and the leader will answer them honestly, because they don’t want to hide anything from their employees.  Openness is a great way to gain trust and respect from your employees, it may be a harsh truth, but if they know that you will always tell them the truth then they will be much more inclined to tell you the truth in return.  

This also goes hand in hand with fairness.  No leader should be known for taking favorites in an organization.  The main purpose of a leader is to help all of their employees succeed and you cannot do that without fairness.  

Leaders who can paint a picture for their vision of the company and execute it will be successful in the organization.  It is very difficult to get your employees, and superiors “in” on an idea if you can describe the vision clearly.

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