Saturday, March 12, 2011

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk is an annual event in over 10 major cities across the United States.  You walk 60 miles in 3-days with thousands of other people.  Two years ago I walked in this event, and I can definitely say it was transformational.  From the beginning their trainers and volunteers help you in taking the steps to be apart of something that is greater than yourself.
Everyone Deserves a Lifetime is their major slogan that really describes what everyone that participates is fighting for... A chance at a full lifetime for everyone.

Every walker has to raise $2,400 - net profits, in each major city, are to help those in that city as well as research to find a cure
Everyone walks for a reason - that is what unites us all.. the reason to end the fight.
For 2 nights you sleep in tents and wake up early the next morning and start again
Closing Ceremonies
 Pictures cannot even begin to describe the transformation that happens during this event.  It is something that everyone should experience at least once in your life.  At the end you leave inspired to do more and be more, that you have accomplished something you never thought you could.  And you finished with the help and support of everyone around you... because Everyone Deserves A Lifetime.

Aunt Marcia... You are missed

1 comment:

  1. I think you picked a great example to show how transformnational leadership really inspires people and can create this whole movement of emotion and action. I've had a lot of friends participate in the 3 Day Walk and they always say what a rewarding expereince it is!
