Thursday, March 24, 2011

Leadership Styles and Apollo 13

ExplanationUsing 10 pt. font, define the theory of collection of theories. Response should include information from the slides and/or the articles. Can include your opinion if backed up by evidence, but should not only be your opinion. Make sure to include the components of the theory if applicable. Do not provide examples here.Describe the scene you will reference. Set up the situation to include where it occurs in the movie and the plot overall. Describe the character and/or characters in order to give us a reference related to the situation you will reference. Give a detailed example of the theory and tell us why this illustrates the theory. Refer to the definition and key components of the theory as much as possible. Be as specific as possible. It is okay to add your opinion if it is backed up by evidence you cite about the scene and character. Do not make the reader infer anything about the scene or character. For example, you discuss intellectual stimulation as part of transformational leadership it should be defined.
Trait Based TheoriesLeaders are born with traits that makes them an admirable leader. "Leader traitscan be defined as relatively coherent and integrated patterns of personal characteristics, reflecting a range of individual differences, that foster consistent leadership effectiveness across a variety of group and organizational situations" (Zacarro,2007). The Director of NASA is in the command center expecting the worse from the re-entryGene, flight commander, responds to the Director’s comment about re-entryAt the re-entry phase the Director of NASA says "I know what all of the problems are, this could be the worst disaster NASA has ever experienced", and Gene responds, "With all due respect sir, I believe this is going to be our finest hour". Being able to say this, and feel it, is not something you can teach. Gene is able to take any situation and see the best of it –take each piece and break it down while still seeing the full view.
Skills and Competencies (Use HTM Model)This model describes core competencies a leader should portray to be successful. It includes three main areas: self, people, and business savvy. Each piece has 4 competencies that employers look for when hiring . To be a successful leader, one should try to perfect each of these competencies.Ken is brought in to be in the simulator to try to figure out a perfect re-entry technique using least amount of power possible.Ken was suppose to be on the space shuttle, but due to health problems he got bumped. They brought him back because of his knowledge.Ken possesses many of the core competencies. He not only has each of the business savvy competencies, but also spirit of optimism. He is knowledgeable in every aspect of the shuttle, with the optimism to see every angle to come up with a re-entry procedure. He is then able, with interpersonal communication skills, to tell Jack, without frustration, the operating procedures, understanding the stress he’s going through.
Behavior Based Theories (Use MLQ or LPI)The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, or MLQ , after the assessment, is a 360˚ evaluation that allows the leader to see how they measure up to ,not only their own standards, but everyone they work with. It "measures, explains and demonstrates to individuals the key factors that set truly exceptional leaders apart from marginal ones". ( Men in car next to him recognize him. 2) Family is all very proud and excited for him. 3) Friends are all there for the support. 4) Co-workers respect his knowledge & characterJim Lovell–respected by family, friends, fellow Americans, co-workers1) Men in a car next to him stop to recognize him and salute him –shows he is known and respected by Americans. 2 and 3) His family and friends all gather around, to support each other during the rough situation… but his mother says, "Don’t worry –if they could build a washing machines to fly my Jimmy could land it". This shows they all know he can do anything. 4) Co-workers respect him, not only delegates of NASA from all around, asking him questions about the ship, but also when he’ll fly, to him being in the command center for Apollo 12. They trust his judgment, being ready to fly 2 days before launch with change of crew.

Leader/Member Exchange (LMX)Leaders and followers develop a relationship based on social exchanges. There are typically 3 phases that go into this relationship: 1) Stranger –follower does not trust leader, but do what they say for the benefits; 2) Acquaintance -they begin to trust each other; 3) Partnership –both focused on good of the group, high quality relationship.Jack Swigertjoins the mission due to the pilot possibly coming down with measles. He has never worked with the other 2 men before.Jack & Jim have never worked together before –although know each other. Jim is very experienced and the head of the Apollo 13 mission. When Jack joins the crew 2 days before the launch, they go straight into simulations (stranger). He fails the first time, but Jim has faith in him and tells them to run it again. He asks Jack what went wrong, creating conversation instead of insulting/degrading him. In phase 2, they trust each others moves, especially after Jack captures the limb. In phase 3, they have a great partnership, working together to get the command powered down and limb powered up, also when flying into re-entry.
Path/Goal TheoryThis theory is about how the leader motivates the follower to accomplish a goal. They maintain a directive path, while clarifying the goals. The leader is relationship and task oriented, while their main focus is using these techniques to accomplish the goal.Gene is in the control room with the command center trying to figure out a way to get Apollo 13 home safely.Gene –Flight Director. He brought everyone in command into a meeting to discuss the next step to get the astronauts homeGene sets a meeting with everyone in command to get the shuttle home safely. He is only concerned with taking necessary steps, and making sure they are the right ones. He clarifies what the suggestions are, and considers new ideas to determine what the best way is. He is supportive of everyone’s ideas, clarifies the goal, and uses his relationships with everyone in command to get the right answers.
Situational Leadership Situational Leadership requires a leader that is able to change their style depending on the moment. It "proponents emphasize that to be a successful leader, the manager should not only use the management style that comes naturally but also use the styles that fit the situation at the moment" (Institute of Management and Administration, 2009).While Jim is on the mission Marilyn is able to calm down family and friends, deal with reporters & NASA, dealing with each person suitable to the situation.Marilyn, Jim’s wife –calms their son about problems with the mission, breaks the news to Jim’s Mom, and deals with NASA & reportersMarilyn and Jim’s youngest son, Jeffery, is asking what is going on and Marilyn is able to calm him down, while keeping her composure. During the launch, Fred’s wife is not sure how Marilyn is able to stay so calm under such a stressful situation, but it is something that Marilyn has been through, so she is able to stay calm. After the announcement that there have been difficulties, reporters want to stake something on her lawn, but she will not allow it because they didn’t care when everything was ok, only now that a problem arose
Transformational LeadershipTransformational leadership is seen as a collective process. There is a transformation between the leader and follower(s) that is seen as bigger than "us". It includes four main factors: idealized influence charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.The entire process from training 6 months prior to launch, to after they get home after the stressful mission.Jim, Fred, and Jack are to go on a mission to collect rocks from the moon. Problems arise, but Jim stays strong to keep the others going.There are 4 key factors that make Jim a transformational leader: 1) Idealized influence –even though they have many problems Jim is charismatic in the way he influences them into doing what needs to be done to get home safely. 2) Inspirational –he inspires them to do what they think they cant 3) Intellectual –Jim has faith in the men he is with to trust them to use their knowledge and skills to make decisions. 4) Individualized –each person Jim comes in contact with talks to them like their own person, ex: talking health with the flight Dr. vs. talking to the flight director

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